Wallpaper* Magazine Publishes Greenwich Village Townhouse

July 5, 2024

Our Greenwich Village Townhouse is featured in Wallpaper* Magazine’s August print issue, Born in the USA, highlighting American designers and work. Available on stands now!

Originally built in 1846, the building saw generations of ownership and modifications that left behind a mix of architectural vocabularies. But rather than reflexively prescribe a gut renovation, TenBerke saw past the accrued layers to envision a graceful composition that could be achieved through a series of precise edits.

“This is a story about careful editing and tweaking, with just a preciously few big moves. We took the rooms as we found them, brought their details back to life, and inserted a new, more refined architectural vocabulary where needed to complete the picture—a balance that’s at once traditional yet modern.”
– Marc Leff, Senior Principal

Read the article on Wallpaper* Magazine here