Marc Leff

AIA, LEED AP | Senior Principal | Owner

Marc is an impresario among form-makers. His sculptural touch reflects and refines the places where his buildings are found. Place is important to Marc and his projects are far flung. They depend, for their distinctiveness, on where they are. Iconic to the last, each says not “here I am!” so much as “I am here”.

“I split my time between New York and Reykjavik, and have for many years. I still marvel at how the unique qualities of a place – how light bounces off the buildings; the sounds of cars in the rain; long views down an avenue or across the water – can impact one’s state of mind. I know these moments have a meaningful effect on each of us even if we don’t think about it consciously.”

The Irwin Union Bank (Columbus, IN), the Marianne Boesky Gallery (New York), the Sackett Hill House (Connecticut): no one could be anywhere else. Each derives its form and qualities from the particularities of its locale. Marc’s most recent project is our office building for Cummins, Inc., where our design both supports existing urban conditions and introduces something profound and new, in this case a popular public park.

“When I return to a project, I’m struck by how it feels at once familiar and brand-new to me. It’s comfortable and exciting at the same time, and that feeling reaffirms for me that no place can be (or should be) exactly like any other.”  

Marc graduated from Yale University with a B.A. He started working for Deborah in 1993, and founded Deborah Berke Partners with Deborah and Mait in 2002. Today he is a Principal of TenBerke. Marc works on commercial office and residential projects. He leads our Finance and Operations groups and works with Ameet on how the firm delivers great projects of all types.