The Wallace Foundation — an inviting office that expresses an ethos

New York, NY
21,000 square feet
Type: Civic / Offices

The Wallace Foundation’s mission is to foster equity and improvements in learning and enrichment for young people, and in the arts for everyone. Their new office offers warmth and welcome to their partners and grantees, and it advances the close and collaborative work that is fundamental to their approach and ethos.

Wallace Foundation Elevator Bank with Art

We had reached a point where our old office space was an impediment to the kind of strategic, interdisciplinary, collaborative, and inclusive work we do. The design of our new space stimulates and supports a working culture that lives up to our core values. Here, we can do better work, and in a better way.

Will Miller, President, The Wallace Foundation

Wallace Foundation Art in Elevator Bank

Wallace Foundation kitchen with two people at counter and one person at table


Architecture, Interior Design

One Lux
Lighting Design

ICOR Consulting Engineers
MEP Engineer

AV/IT/Security Consultant

BABICH Acoustics

Office Resources
Furniture Management


Interior Design Magazine
October 26, 2021

Greater Good: Social + Environmental Impact, Honoree