Cover of "House Rules" by Deborah Berke.

House Rules


All good design adheres to certain rules. Over three decades of practice TenBerke has developed and continually refines its own set of design principles. House Rules explores eight guiding principles as they relate to the firm’s residential work. These range from the mundane—Account for all things; display a few—to the aspirational—Honor daily life. The book delves deeply into the firm’s working process and its unique approach to design, showcasing over 50 built houses arranged in chapters according to the House Rules. Explanatory captions accompany over 200 photographs and drawings to engage enthusiasts and practitioners alike.

“As we pinned up photos and drawings of long-completed projects alongside more recent ones, it became evident that what unified these houses into a single body of work wasn’t anything outward – say, a favorite material or repeated motif – but something inward. The consistency resided in our convictions and thinking as architects”
Marc Leff, Afterword

Publisher: Rizzoli (July 12, 2016)
Dimensions: 10.1 × 1 × 10.6 inches
Hardcover: 208 pages
ISBN–10: 0847848213
ISBN–13: 978-0847848218